Thank you so much and I'm truly blessed and grateful to be reading these disruptive constructive articles so well bridging the gaps in western medicine and ancient Ayurveda!
During my grammar school years back in the ice age, class began with reciting the Pledge of Allegiance,a cacophonous rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, were seated and observed five minutes of silence for prayer, spirituality or gathering of thoughts.It was a very pleasing, cleansing reflective custom.
I don’t know how, when or why we began the devolution , shirking conscience, respect, our collective humanity, and ultimately, our independent, unique personhood. But it was by design.
Thank you so much and I'm truly blessed and grateful to be reading these disruptive constructive articles so well bridging the gaps in western medicine and ancient Ayurveda!
During my grammar school years back in the ice age, class began with reciting the Pledge of Allegiance,a cacophonous rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, were seated and observed five minutes of silence for prayer, spirituality or gathering of thoughts.It was a very pleasing, cleansing reflective custom.
I don’t know how, when or why we began the devolution , shirking conscience, respect, our collective humanity, and ultimately, our independent, unique personhood. But it was by design.