The best way to incorporate the cleansing rituals is to become familiar with them one-by-one as they are needed. Because no definitive prescription can be outlined for every person, Āyurveda is often discarded as unscientific. Its proper use, however, allows any individual to savour rituals as they realign, rejuvenate and re-inspire a person to take control of the body, mind, senses and soul.
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Making Ayurveda Practical
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The best way to incorporate the cleansing rituals is to become familiar with them one-by-one as they are needed. Because no definitive prescription can be outlined for every person, Āyurveda is often discarded as unscientific. Its proper use, however, allows any individual to savour rituals as they realign, rejuvenate and re-inspire a person to take control of the body, mind, senses and soul.