Replacing your bathroom cabinet contents with oils, spices, a mortar and pestle, and some small stone bowls will change your facial skin in a few months and be an investment for life. Food on Your Face Many modern consumers are convinced by the media that cosmetic products for the face are better than less intervention or homemade interventions. If companies would explain the chemistry of their products more accurately rather than cloak it under trade-secret claims, people could make more intelligent decisions. But this is the fault of today’s consumer, who is usually lazy about knowledge and lazy about making things fresh. Convenience is considered the perfect excuse for eating foods filled with preservatives and using cleansers and cosmetics that are laden with preservatives that slowly build up in the body and show damage decades later. Āyurveda’s simple logic, unencumbered by marketing dollars to propagate its messages, looks at the biology and chemistry of the face.
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Food on Your Face
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Replacing your bathroom cabinet contents with oils, spices, a mortar and pestle, and some small stone bowls will change your facial skin in a few months and be an investment for life. Food on Your Face Many modern consumers are convinced by the media that cosmetic products for the face are better than less intervention or homemade interventions. If companies would explain the chemistry of their products more accurately rather than cloak it under trade-secret claims, people could make more intelligent decisions. But this is the fault of today’s consumer, who is usually lazy about knowledge and lazy about making things fresh. Convenience is considered the perfect excuse for eating foods filled with preservatives and using cleansers and cosmetics that are laden with preservatives that slowly build up in the body and show damage decades later. Āyurveda’s simple logic, unencumbered by marketing dollars to propagate its messages, looks at the biology and chemistry of the face.